A huge number of security risks start with a stolen password. This makes it very important for a user to know how to set a safe password. From security point of view a secure password is a combination of random numbers, letters, upper & lower case characters. Passwords like these can be hard to remember so people write them down, which is a bad habit (as bad as a weak password). So, it is important to have a password that can be remembered and can be categorized as a safe password and this software will create safe password for you and teach you how to remmember them by using phonetic pronunciation.
Included in Password Utilities are my two favorite features:
Password Generator - is an offline version of the web-based Password Generator which allows you to securely and easily create passwords locally on your own PC.
Password Checker - a new feature that lets you check the quality and strength of a password. By entering your password in the checker it will run a series of tests on the password to indicate how strong it is, and therefore how easy it may be to guess or crack.
Download PC Tools Password Utilities here.
Hey thanks i checked out their website and they even have online version of password generation